Congress Chairs

Dr. Arun Bhaskar
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, UK, Immediate Past President of the British Pain Society

Dr Bhaskar is the Immediate Past President of the British Pain Society and has served two terms as an elected member of the Council of the British Pain Society.  Dr Bhaskar is also a Co-opted Member of the Board of The Faculty of Pain Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists.  He is also the Hon. Secretary of the Neuromodulation Society of UK and Ireland.   Dr Bhaskar is also the present Chairman of the UK Section, World Institute of Pain.  Dr Bhaskar advises NICE on interventional procedures, cancer pain and was a co-opted member of the GDG for Care of the Dying.  Dr Bhaskar is currently the Co-chair of the Committee for the Cancer Pain Management Guidelines; he is also the Co-chair of the Neuromodulation Guidelines Committee.  He also represents as Councillor for the UK at the European Pain Federation and is a member of the European Pain Federation Task Force on Cancer Pain Management. Dr Bhaskar was the Co-chair for the OPEN Consensus group for Opioid Analgesic Dependency and the recommendations from specialists from Pain Medicine and Addiction Medicine.  Dr Bhaskar has also represented the Faculty of Pain Medicine in the Palliative Medicine SAC, Royal College of Physicians.

Dr Bhaskar is the Head of Service at the Pain Management Centre, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London and has special interests in complex pain, including cancer pain, neuropathic pain, visceral & pelvic pain, pain interventional procedures and neuromodulation. He has also a specific interest in opioid management in complicated cancer pain, as well as opioid dependence and its management in the pain patient population. Dr Bhaskar has been involved with several clinical trials in cancer pain, and neuropathic pain in cancer including chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.  He has been involved in developing novel techniques for interventional treatment of pain including intractable cancer pain.  Dr Bhaskar is on the faculty of many courses, including the European Pain School and is an examiner for the European Diploma in Pain Medicine and also the FIPP examination for the World Institute of Pain.


Dr. Silviu Brill
Institute for Pain Medicine, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel

Dr. Silviu Brill is Specialist in Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Director of the Institute for Pain Medicine, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel.

Diplomat of European Diploma of Pain Medicine (EDPM)

Director Institute for Cannabis Research, Tel Aviv Medical Centre, Israel

Honorary Secretary of European Pain Federation, Past President of the Israeli Pain Association

Dr Brill is Co-Chair of Task force on Cannabis based medicine and Chair of the Working group on Cancer Pain of European Pain Federation

Dr Brill has published about eighty articles, book chapters and other manuscripts in various areas of pain including Acute Pain, Neuropathic Pain, CRPS, Cancer-Related Pain, Opioids and Cannabinoids.

His main research interest is Neuromodulation, Psychologic aspects of Chronic Pain postsurgical neuropathic pain and Medical use of Cannabinoids.

Dr. Brill received grants from European Union, for Development of an International Pain Registry: Pain-Out, British Chevening Medical Scholarship, Israel Science Foundation, Israel Pain Association and The Israel Cancer Association.

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